IBISBA will offer on-site services and remote services.

On-Site Services

It means physical visits, by one user identified in the proposal. The IBISBA partner hosting the TNA visit will contribute to the cost of travelling/living expenses. As mentioned above, IBISBA provides subsidies to users. However, prolonged work stays at facilities or multiple service offers may involve co-funding by users.

Remote Services

It means access to laboratory services and facilities/equipment. Users send their samples for analysis, but do not physically visit the site. The site manager will be responsible for making measurements and analysis.


Obviously, remote access is not expected to incur travel/living expenses. However, in order to ease project feasibility, on-site presence can be foreseen between the applicant and the welcoming host. Related costs will be supported by users.

Travel and Subsistence

IBISBA will subsidise the costs of travel and subsistence incurred during physical site visits. Rates will vary depending on the guest institution and the country where the TNA site is located and on the duration of the stay. The contribution to subsistence costs (i.e. accommodation, meals, local transport such as buses and taxis, etc.) and may not cover all costs.

Travel costs will be taken care of OR reimbursed by the guest institution, following their internal rule. In all cases, reimbursement of expenses will favour the most cost efficient option. For further information, please check the table enclosed at the end of this section.

Ineligible Expenses

IBISBA will not subsidise the cost of visas, passports, travel insurance, personal shopping, tourism or any other costs related to personal convenience. For on-site services, users are fully responsible for ensuring that they have insurance to cover accidents, illness and other events during their stay at the host institution.

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